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  • Writer's pictureChase Taake

How to get Absolutely RIPPED

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

Want a Greek body of the gods eh? You sure found the right spot. I'm going to break down the steps, and explain why the steps work, in terms that my 4 year old cousin could understand and use to get jacked.

Some Preliminary Knowledge

So, fun fact, I hate the scale. It is so so dumb in my opinion. A scale shows you your weight, and people who judge where they are at based on weight are fooled. What if you have a massive poop in your stomach. What if you have a lot of water weight that day. What if you ARE losing fat, but also GAINING muscle, so you are now gaining weight on the scale. This demoralized people when they want to lose weight, they are losing FAT but gaining muscle, but you wouldn't know that by looking at the scale. Weight seriously means very little. All that really matters is what you look like in the mirror. That is your checkpoint guys. Take pictures every week or day, and see the progress.

More knowledge, and this is very important. Working out does not make you lose weight.

That is the wrong mindset. Yes, it CAN make you lose weight. But science recently says that the calories you burn when you workout (which can be a LOT) actually for the most part replaces calories you body would burn for it's BMR. So instead of burning them naturally, you burn them during a workout, and your body get's a break. You DO lose more calories but this is not the right mindset for working out. You will lose hope trying to lose fat by doing this.

Working out is for MUSCLE. Food is for losing FAT. To lose fat, eat less calories than you burn. You'll learn how to calculate what you burn below. To get muscle, you workout. That's the mindset you need to be successful. Now let's begin.

Set Your Goal

First, you need to understand what you want to look like, and trust me, "better" isn't an option. Are you going for a Dwayne Johnson, beast of a person type of body? Or a slender, 300 ripped Spartan kind of body. Depending what you want, your habits you are going to set are going to be different.

Understand Your Body

This is going to blow your mind. You burn an unbelievable amount of calories everyday literally just by being alive. This is called your BMR, or basal metabolic rate. This number is the amount of calories your body would burn if you literally just laid in bed ALL day long. You can calculate it via the BMR equation OR, like me, just use an online calculator. Click here to avoid doing math. This number is very important so keep it in mind. This is the calories you burn doing NOTHING.

Now as soon as you roll over in bed, you're burning additional calories by moving. So the amount of calories you burn daily is your BMR PLUS additional activity you do during the day. The only things I personally (I'm not an expert so don't hate me) would track are steps and actual workouts that you do. Add those to your calorie count burned.

Create the Plan

Awesome sauce, time for the plan. If you want to lose fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn. This is your BMR plus the calories you burn throughout the day. Recent science says that the additional calories shouldn't really be added, but it worked for thousands before so we'll do it for now. If you're skinny and want to add muscle, eat MORE food and make sure a lot of it is proteins.

To gain muscle, you will need to consume food with proteins. Make sure a big portion of your meals are protein: Salmon, chicken, turkey, whatever. Eat it if you want muscle.

Now depending on the body type you want, your path will look different than others. To look HUGE, you will need to eat a LOT of protein and lift heavy weights. To have a slender athletic like body, maintain calories around your BMR + additional calories burned, and either medium weight lift, or do calisthenics which gives you a great athletics looking body.

Find or create a workout regimen and STICK TO IT. Start off easy guys. Don't wear yourself out or you won't finish. You won't. This is not a challenge, you just will get burned out. Start off, 2-3 days a week. When you start ENJOYING to go to the gym, up it. 3-5 days. Sticking to it is the most important part.


You need to understand your body, how much you burn daily before you can begin. Once that is set, create a plan based off that number. Once the plan is created, stick to it, and one day you will look dang sexy.

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