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  • Writer's pictureChase Taake

Traditional And Creative Fall 2021 Activities

Fall is a comin'. She's right around the corner and I'm sure most of us are excited. Well, at least those of us who can't wait for our pumpkin spice latte's. Temperature will be cooling down, leaves will be falling, and activities will be arising. Here is a list of traditional fall activities, with some creatives ones I came up with myself.

Traditional activities


Nothing like getting the pals together, stacking up the firewood, and lighting a big ol' fire to sit around when the weather begins to fall.

Scary Stories night

Along with the Bonfire comes telling scary stories. Take a night, craft some stories, and at night when you can't see anything but flicker of bonfire flames tell these horrifying stories. These make great memories, and great opportunities for pranks.

Grab a pumpkin spiced latte

One season of the year this delicious drink exists. Do not, I repeat, do not waste this opportunity. Go to Starbucks, your local coffeehouse, whatever it is, and grab this taste of heaven.

Find a pumpkin

Get on that wagon to the pumpkin patch and take your time finding the right pumpkin. This activity leads to multiple other activities. Find the coolest pumpkin you can and have fun doing it! Just don't forget to wear long pants, you could end in pain.

Carve that pumpkin

You of course have to carve at least one pumpkin. Get creative this year! Find a cool design and master it! Make people say "wow" when they see your pumpkin, the activity is fun!

Outdoor Movie Night at Home

Boy do I love this one. Go to a fabrics store and get a large cloth you can hang from two trees or put on the wall inside. Grab a projector, you can get a cheap one. Decorate your surroundings to movie. Star Wars, get some lightsabers out. Michael Meyers, make your surroundings scary! This night is ALWAYS fun, especially if you have good popcorn!

Make a home made Halloween Costume

Watching people laugh at your store bought costume is fun, but having the satisfaction of being the creator of the costume is a whole further level. You don't have to sew, but get the things you need to make your costume yourself!

Create an at home festival with friends

You can always go to whatever local festival you may have, but having the opportunity to create it yourself is awesome because you can add things a local festival would never have! Get the barrels out and go apple bobbing, have home made tournaments, this is your time to shine with creativity!


Perfect time to go camping is in the fall. The weather is amazing! Go to Walmart, get a tent, get some marshmallows and materials for a fire, and go the distance with however you are comfortable with camping! Backyard? That's fine. In the wood's? Even better!

Go buy some candles

Fall and Christmas, I swear walking past Bath and Body Works around these times it is impossible to not walk in. These candles smell amazing and not having at least one in your place of home is a crime!

Create the coolest decorated Halloween house

Be the cool house this year! Make a plan and come up with a theme. You could have a LOT out front, but if it is just a whole bunch of things blobbed together it is almost worse than having no decorations. Find a theme and stick to it! Make it cool to walk up to!

Make an obstacle course

Make a home made wipeout or ninja course! Make it a miniature competition! Seeing your friends fall is a laugh, and crossing the finish line before all others is a thrill! Great activity!

Touch football

Great weather to throw around the ol' pigskin and accidentally clobber a cousin while running down the yard! An activity to run around and burn some calories with a competitive edge!

Make an outdoor fort

Don't hide your kid side! Making a fort is ALWAYS fun, but now that you are older you can step it up a notch! Upgrade from the pillows and blankets, and use wood outside! Make the fort of your dreams! Get creative!

Creative Activities

I personally love the traditional activities, however I think innovation is key and like to come up with my own ideas. Here are just a few!

themed backyard

I like engineering, so I am challenging myself on learning to make a small backyard dark ride roller coaster. Not a thrill ride, think like Pirate of the Caribbean at Disney. Slow but themed. You can do this too, but without the roller coaster park! Theme your backyard! Pick a theme and change it yearly for yearly fun and creativity! Make your friends and family say wow, and then according to this theme try to come up with your own activities to match! For example let's just SAY Pirates of the Caribbean! Do a scavenger hunt, a sword battle where if you lose you fall into a pool! The ideas ARE endless!

Haunted Game modes

I have a thing for coming up with game ideas, so for Halloween I try to come up with some too. Play Slenderman in real life! Hang 8 pages up (or more depending on how many people there are) in your back yard and choose one person to be Slenderman! The other players try to find all 8 pages while Slenderman tries to tag each player. Think scary, and try to come up with your own games to play! Maybe a murder mystery inside!

fall game show

Game shows are always fun! Time to fall it out! Find someone to be a host and come up with your own game shows! Maybe "Minute to Win it" Fall edition! Different teams compete by carving pumpkins and the coolest design with in one minute gets a point, and another activity is who can pick the most apples out of the barrel the most in one minute. Or fall themed jeopardy questions! This idea as well is endless!


In the end, just have fun! I believe everyone should have as much fun as possible, so come up with as many ideas as you can and enjoy your fall! Just don't forget that pumpkin spiced latte!

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