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  • Writer's pictureChase Taake

Family/Friends Activity: One Night Ultimate Werewolf

You just looked at an image of a game that has time travel powers. You start playing at 8pm and after playing for a little bit you realize that it's 2am. Playing this game is extremely fun and makes time fly by.

What is One Night Ultimate Werewolf?

One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a social deduction card game, meaning you use clues and strategies to figure out the who is the werewolf, whom is trying to blend in.

Here's a preliminary: the box comes with a whole set of different cards, or characters, that you can separate into three groups: Werewolves, Villagers, or Tanner. Each character falls within one of these three groups AND has their own individual powers to affect the game.

To play, take the amount of people playing the game (we will say 5 for examples sake) and take that many cards out of the box, plus three. So for this example, you would choose 8 characters to be in this game. (Side note, changing the characters you use 100% changes the game each time!) There also has to be at least one werewolf.

Everyone is dealt one of the characters face down, and the remaining three are in the middle. The three cards are in the middle for multiple reasons, which I will get into later. But for now, each player peeks at their character not allowing the other players to see. Then put your card face down near the center where anyone could grab it easily.

At this point, everyone puts their head face down and closes their eyes. If you downloaded the app for the game, which you definitely should, after selecting the characters on that app that you are using and pressing begin, the narrator on the app will begin telling everyone what to do. At first, the werewolves will open their eyes. If there are two werewolves, this is the moment they see each other and know to team up. Each player at some point (except one character) will open their eyes when called upon by the narrator to perform an action, such as switching your card with another card, or switching two other players cards.

After everyone has performed their actions, everyone opens their eyes without looking at their cards. If their card was switched, they do not know. At this moment, everyone begins trying to figure out what happened when their eyes were closed. And the werewolves, who did nothing, are trying to blend in and not be caught as a werewolf.

Now's the time to tell you the win conditions.

The werewolves team wins if they remain undiscovered, if everyone votes out a villager or think there are no werewolves, the werewolves win.

The villagers win by voting out just one werewolf, if they do, both werewolves lose and the villagers win.

The tanner wins by getting himself voted out. How sad.

So at this ending phase when everyone opens their eyes, the werewolves are trying to pretend they are one of the villagers, and the villagers are trying to figure out who are the werewolves. Highly strategic and super fun. Two good werewolves together can pull off some stunning memories.

This is a game I could, and any given friend, could play for hours. With many different characters, so many different strategies, and each friend being different, this game is fun and unique every time you click begin.

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