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  • Writer's pictureChase Taake

Free Guy: Best. Movie. Ever.

Updated: Aug 18, 2021

I do not care if your favorite show is Days of our Lives, franchise is Marvel, or your only form of entertainment is the opera on the radio. This movie must make it into your schedule, and fast.

There has rarely been times in my life tears have left my face from laughing, and this smiling blue suited man did it twice in 2 hours. If you like laughing, romance, action, and all combined, watch this movie.

The movie takes place in a video game called "Free City." This videogame is a very popular video game, nearly everyone has heard about it. It looks similar to GTA. People in the real world are controlling their characters, the "heroes," in Free City, meanwhile the NPC's are existing IN the video game, thinking that it IS the real world.

Enter: Guy. The main, hilarious, character. Guy is an NPC within Free City, and like an NPC, he has is designated role. He has the same lines, and does the same things, just like a normal NPC. For those of you who do not know what NPC is, it is a Non-Playable Character. Characters the game has, that actual real life people cannot play, like a banker. Guy is a banker, and wakes up everyday with the same routine - because that is how he is coded.

One day at the bank, while they're being robbed (the usual), Guy spots a woman of his dreams outside. He cannot help himself but trying to talk to her, which is odd. This goes against what he has done his entire existence - wake up, get a coffee, go to bank. Never has he ever gone out of his way to talk to someone, it is weird, and every NPC in the game notices this.

As he slowly actually starts thinking for himself, breaking his cycle, he grabs the glasses that the "heroes" (the ACTUAL characters) wear. When he puts them on, he sees the game world. The health packs, the leaderboards, other characters. Basically the HUD that characters would be seeing on their screens. He still doesn't realize he is IN a video game, he thinks these glasses ARE a video game.

Without giving away too much, Guy eventually meets this girl he fell in love with after she simply walked by. She thinks HE is an actual player, because NPCs don't interact and conversate like Guy is with her. HE thinks she just another person, because, you know, he think's he is real and his world is real. We know the truth, so it's funny to watch their interactions not understanding.

Guy is told that if he wants to help her, he needs to level up... as she is in the high one hundreds and Guy? Level one.

Guy thinks his world is real, so he doesn't want to harm anyone like most players do to level up. Guy begins leveling up by being the GOOD guy, and he's leveling up fast. Everyone thinks that Guy is an actual person that hacked the game and is using an NPC's skin, they don't know that it is actually an NPC. However, everyone knows 'the blue shirt guy." In the real world, he is blowing up in popularity. Leveling up FAST being good!

As he reaches level one hundred after a hilarious montage of scenes, he realizes why his girl is there. He understands everything.

And the movie gets amazing.

Go to the movies now and watch!!!

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